Help!!! I Am A 31-Year-Old Struggling With Tramadol Addiction!!
I was introduced to Tramadol in 2015 because I complained to him that I wasn’t lasting long during sex. So he prescribed Tm to me. At first I hated the feeling I just took it because it really helped with the early ejaculation.
Fast forward to 2020; I am now fully attended to this evil, it is now holding me by my neck, choking me . But I cannot seem to let go.
Tramadol has taken a lot from me; My pride, my focus, my Looks, my health, my family and most importantly my finances. I have had serious seizures that nearly took my life with my family members as witness. Now they know my situation and they are indeed very disappointed in me.
I had another seizure yesterday but the worst part of it is that it wasn’t only the seizure, I was acting demented with my clothes off. I take nothing less than 1500mg daily.
It has ruined everything because just calculate how much I have to spend for this evil everyday. For example I didn’t miss one last year 2024. It seems am now powerless to this evil. I cannot hustle anymore, I just want to take Tramadol and just lock myself indoors, all my friends have left me behind but am still living with my mum at age 31. Indeed am tired. Am really tired
I need help to stop this. I have prayed, I have tried everything. It’s not working. Please has anyone been in the situation before?? Please help me!!!!!